Led by Francesco S. Montesano

Led by Francesco S. Montesano
Led by Francesco S. Montesano
Led by Melanie van Driel
Led by Melanie van Driel
Led by Celine Klooster and Francesco Montesano
Led by Maya Bogers
SDG Impact AssessmentInterlinkages, Integration and Coherence October 6, 2021 – 16:00-17:00 (CEST) After the first three sessions of our GlobalGoals webinar series before the summer break in the Northern hemisphere, we are now continuing with a presentation of the key findings from chapter four of the SDG Impact Assessment: Interlinkages, Integration and Coherence Co-lead authors Måns Nilsson, Executive Director of…
Forget green, a ‘rainbow recovery’ is what we need. The Sustainable Development Goals must be at the core of our national post-COVID recovery plan. By GlobalGoals PhD candidates Melanie van Driel and Maya BogersThis opinion piece was originally published in Dutch as a blog for the United Nations Association of the Netherlands on July 5, 2021. We pressingly need a…
SDG Impact AssessmentImplementing Sustainable Development Goals at Multiple Levels June 29, 2021 – 09:00am-10:00am (UTC+2) After our successful first episode of the GlobalGoals Webinar Series a few weeks ago in which we presented key insights into the Assessment’s chapter on global governance, we are now continuing with a sneak-peak into chapter three of the SDG Impact Assessment: Implementation at Multiple…
SDG Impact AssessmentGlobal Governance and Sustainable Development Goals May 25, 2021 – 16:00-17:00 (CEST) More than sixty scholar jointly evaluated in the SDG IMPACT ASSESSMENT whether the Sustainable Development Goals had had any steering effects impact in global, national, or local governance. In March 2022 the SDG Impact Assessment will be published by Cambridge University Press. To not keep you…